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  1. JulieSHDK

    Hen caught by fox - alive but has a neck injury. Any hope?

    Update: Our Rosalita is now back on track. She has almost fully recovered and is eating and drinking normally. She is not scraping the ground as usually, but pecking at it to pick up food, so hopefully she'll get to tearing up the yard soon too.
  2. JulieSHDK

    Hen caught by fox - alive but has a neck injury. Any hope?

    Update: She is getting better! She can stand on her own for longer and her head doesn't flop down as far as it did before. Seems to be better control of the head. She even picks for food on her own, but cant really feed her self, so we've been placing food in her beak for her to gulp down.
  3. JulieSHDK

    Hen caught by fox - alive but has a neck injury. Any hope?

    Thanks for the reply. I hear a slim hope in your reply and we'll keep caring for her as best we can. Will start feeding her soon as she is still not going for it herself. She was able to stand on her own today, so that is progress. Let's hope it continues.
  4. JulieSHDK

    Hen caught by fox - alive but has a neck injury. Any hope?

    Hi, I'm new to keeping chickens and I got my first pair this summer. The fox has been here twice now and the first two are no longer. It's sad and a bit discouraging, but at least the fox took them away. My problem is the one he left behind. I caught him yesterday with my brown italian's neck...
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