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  1. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 08-18-23 Pic by Fluffycrow

    "I told Henny I had the hots for her. She cooled me off."
  2. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 08-18-23 Pic by Fluffycrow

    Why is it that some can look glamorous or handsome, while sopping wet... And the rest of us look like this...not glamorous or handsome...just Sopping Wet! 😆
  3. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 08-18-23 Pic by Fluffycrow

    "I've changed my mind about volunteering for that Dunk tank...I believe it's rigged! I just tried to sit on the chair & immediately got dunked, without anyone even tossing a ball yet!"
  4. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 08-18-23 Pic by Fluffycrow

    "She told me to go take a long walk, on a short pier. I thought it might be funny, so I did. They laughed. I didn't ."
  5. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 08-18-23 Pic by Fluffycrow

    "I was supposed to be getting all snazzy for my hot date know, be a Dapper Dan? I'm not sure what happened, I'm feeling more Damp than Dapper."
  6. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 08-18-23 Pic by Fluffycrow

    "I'm not exactly a Meteorological Genius...but I'm pretty sure it's safe to say, it is extremely Humid today!"
  7. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 08-18-23 Pic by Fluffycrow

    Lesson of the Day... If you should try to Flogg, You may end up water Logged
  8. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 08-18-23 Pic by Fluffycrow

    "Pops took us fishing. Guess who was bait?"
  9. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 08-18-23 Pic by Fluffycrow

    "Darn kids...bugged me all summer to go, I really shoulda known better than to ride the log flume with them. Or at least had the sense to bring a spare change of clothes. Ain't nothin worse than walkin around soggy all day."
  10. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 08-18-23 Pic by Fluffycrow

    "I don't understand the silly human, hosing me down like this. Chickens are Supposed to Dustbathe! Leave us alone!"
  11. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 08-18-23 Pic by Fluffycrow

    "Oh, will someone please hose me down? And get my buddy Mr. Ed some decongestant...he just sneezed on me!"
  12. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 08-18-23 Pic by Fluffycrow

    Lol! At Charades, Mr. Roo did his very best impersonation of Mr. Cat's hairball. Mr. Cat was NOT Amused. He didn't guess it right, either...go figure. (Mr. Cat..."Oh, how I hate this stupid game...not real fond of Mr. Roo, either")
  13. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 08-18-23 Pic by Fluffycrow

    "There's that human taking embarrassing photos of me again. Hey Lady, why can't you ever catch me on a good day?!"
  14. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 08-18-23 Pic by Fluffycrow

    "All I wanted was a light spritz to tame my cowlick. Never trust a kid with a hose!"
  15. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 08-18-23 Pic by Fluffycrow

    "Thought I'd hang out with the ducks a bit...geez, what was I thinking?"
  16. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 08-18-23 Pic by Fluffycrow

    "Yes, I just did the bucket challenge for the Chickens for Charity will someone please hand me a towel?"
  17. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 08-18-23 Pic by Fluffycrow

    "Honey...have you seen my other work clothes? Just got these out of the dryer, & they aren't quite dry."
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