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  1. L

    Tips for keeping a floppy duckling upright at night??

    Hi all, I VERY recently was given a call duckling (Acorn) who's got a bad case of the flops(?), can't stay upright, can't quite swim, but still has LOTS of energy and LUNG CAPACITY. I've already been giving Hydro Hen, rooster booster and nutri drench, with more coming in the mail later this...
  2. L

    Appropriate Pekin Duckling Feed Amount

    I got 6 ducklings from TSC that turned out to be Pekins, possibly jumbos, judging by then doubling in size in a week and the size of their legs. From what I've researched, I know that they can gorge themselves, and that I shouldn't give them too much food, but how much is too much?? I'm also...
  3. L

    I'm just here for the ducks. 😅

    I know this is mainly a chicken site, but I've already found so many useful things on here regarding ducks that I decided to join! Hello from me and my favorite duckling, Clover!
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