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  1. Love Donkeys


  2. Love Donkeys


  3. Love Donkeys


  4. Love Donkeys


  5. Love Donkeys

    Informal research poll on broodiness

    We have 27 hens, 2 roosters and 7 four day old chicks. They are all Speckled Sussex which is a British breed. I had wanted a chicken that was a good layer, gentle, active forager and friendly. I knew when I chose the breed that there was a possibility that the hens could be broody, that trait...
  6. Love Donkeys

    Can chickens move into a coop that has mice?

    Keep the chicken feed in metal trash cans with tight lids. Don't leave feeders full you are only inviting rodents for dinner. As your chickens get older they will take care of the mice, they will either eat them or scare them away.
  7. Love Donkeys

    Trespassing neighbor with dog chasing chickens

    Take a video or photos of everything she does on your property. Use them as evidence against her. She could possibly be charged with animal cruelty along with trespassing. You should also have "No Trespassing" signs up if you are going to try to charge her.
  8. Love Donkeys

    Roosters are awesome

    Roosters can be gentle until they are not. Like Bulls, Jacks, Stallions, and other intact males of the livestock kingdom they can turn on you. Our friend's 18 year old son was herding their Jersey heifers to a new pasture. Their Jersey bull, which their son had raised, didn't like the heifers...
  9. Love Donkeys

    New chicken mama questions

    I think everyone knows by now, I free-range my Speckled Sussex. Their coop has 7' ceilings and three aluminum storm (human) doors, no poop doors. The only place they can get their layer crumbles is in the coop. Feeding only in the coop prevents wild birds from contaminating their feed and...
  10. Love Donkeys

    Hamster ball for Chickens

    I do not know if this "Hamster-Chicken ball" is real since it was photo shopped over the chicken. If it happens to be real I believe it would be very dangerous to the chicken. In using it you have basically prepackaged the poor chicken in a "takeout container" for its predator. ☹
  11. Love Donkeys

    What size flock do you have?

    Speckled Sussex, 26 layers, 2 romantic roosters, 1 broody hen sitting on 14 eggs.
  12. Love Donkeys

    Roosters are awesome

    It's still a cool sign! 😄
  13. Love Donkeys

    Roosters are awesome

    LOVE your sign!!
  14. Love Donkeys

    Roosters are awesome

    Over they years we have had some really mean roosters of different standard and bantam breeds. They were mighty tasty in Pot Pies. Right now we have two very gentle Speckled Sussex roosters, Boss Man and Mr White. When customers would come to our farm to purchase livestock or eggs they would...
  15. Love Donkeys

    What are your thoughts???

    I free-range my chickens, but we live in a rural area. My chickens have protection in the form of plenty of places to hide and our donkeys. I have lost 7 chickens over the past 24 years due to stray dogs and careless drivers and it broke my heart. I understand the the problems you will have if...
  16. Love Donkeys

    Best breed to attack hawks

    For years we used Great Pyrenees to protect our Meat Goat herd and the Chickens benefited too. Since we are semi-retired the only other livestock on our farm is Donkeys. Our Chickens run to the Donkeys when they frightened, especially when the predator has four legs. Our free-range Speckled...
  17. Love Donkeys

    How many eggs has everyone had today?

    Usually pick up 16/18 eggs. I pick them when I close the coop for the night.
  18. Love Donkeys

    What are your thoughts???

    I free-range 30 Speckled Sussex, 28 hens & 2 adult roosters. The chickens are always locked in their coop at night. The coop is the only place they can get their grain, it makes a good incentive for them to return to the coop. We have plenty of places our chickens can run to if they see...
  19. Love Donkeys

    What is killing my chickens?

    Sounds good to me!
  20. Love Donkeys

    What is killing my chickens?

    My husband said bring the dead birds to the neighbor. Tell them they can keep them since their dogs liked them so much. Luckily we live in a very rural area, more livestock than humans. Canine trespassers never leave, just like the song Hotel California.
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