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  1. The_Chicken_Tender

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    They probably should have gone out two weeks ago, but it's been so chilly and I didn't want them to get cold! (I should know better by now as this is my 5th batch of chicks, but I can't help it!)
  2. The_Chicken_Tender

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Hi! It's been super busy around here lately. Just rehomed one of two roosters today. It was sad to see him go, but he will be much happier now that he doesn't have to compete with another rooster! Tomorrow, the baby chicks will be going outside and socializing with the older hens for the first time!
  3. The_Chicken_Tender

    Many Bloody Eggshells from Different Hens

    I thought about that, and I will be checking their vents later, but the bloody eggs were found in multiple locations. It is definitely possible though.
  4. The_Chicken_Tender

    Many Bloody Eggshells from Different Hens

    Ah, I see. I'll definitely check, thanks for the suggestion.
  5. The_Chicken_Tender

    Many Bloody Eggshells from Different Hens

    At the moment, it is just one waterer, but I will be putting another one in there soon. And I've had chickens for many years, and this was a one time thing with it running out (I know how dangerous it is for them to go without water). I can definitely check their vents, but I somehow don't think...
  6. The_Chicken_Tender

    Many Bloody Eggshells from Different Hens

    I just collected some eggs, and I found about seven that have blood on the shell. I haven't collected in two-three days, and I know that these eggs are from at least four different hens. I have had the occasional bloody egg, but never from multiple hens at once. I am a little worried because I...
  7. The_Chicken_Tender

    Coop Ventilation Help (Lots of Pictures Included!)

    Yeah, I was wondering if the wall vents could sort of act like soffit vents, since the air would still leave through the roof vents.
  8. The_Chicken_Tender

    Coop Ventilation Help (Lots of Pictures Included!)

    I looked into that, but I don't think it would be possible with this building
  9. The_Chicken_Tender

    Coop Ventilation Help (Lots of Pictures Included!)

    Great minds think alike! But yeah, they are able to go in the run whenever they want, but I figured it's best to have adequate ventilation for when they sleep, especially in the winter when excessive moisture can lead to frostbite.
  10. The_Chicken_Tender

    Coop Ventilation Help (Lots of Pictures Included!)

    Good to know, thanks! I'll consider getting something to measure humidity, and I'll soon be using nipples rather than the open waterer. And I haven't heard of using horse bedding pellets, so maybe I'll look into that as well
  11. The_Chicken_Tender

    Coop Ventilation Help (Lots of Pictures Included!)

    I have raised chickens for a long time, and I have always had a standard chicken coop (hardware cloth sides, upstairs area for roosts and nest boxes, etc). However, I decided to upgrade to something bigger now that I have a much larger flock (and the fact that the old coops were practically...
  12. The_Chicken_Tender

    Chicken with sudden paralysis and tremors (and brittle / broken feathers)!!

    I think I've made up my mind this time, but I'll definitely remember this for the future. Thank you so much - I really like your way of thinking about it, that really helps
  13. The_Chicken_Tender

    Chicken with sudden paralysis and tremors (and brittle / broken feathers)!!

    I'm tempted to do it myself, but I don't know if I have it in me to do it to her. I am not squeamish about stuff like that, it's just the fact that she was a beloved pet. Maybe someday I'll work up the courage - I'm slowly getting braver in that department.
  14. The_Chicken_Tender

    Chicken with sudden paralysis and tremors (and brittle / broken feathers)!!

    I have heard lots about Marek's and St John's wort. I actually used it on my rooster a few years ago, and he survived. But of course I don't know if he really had Marek's or if it was just luck that he recovered, but it's worth a shot if it could possibly save a life.
  15. The_Chicken_Tender

    Chicken with sudden paralysis and tremors (and brittle / broken feathers)!!

    I really appreciate all your help. Sadly, she passed sometime during the night, which does not surprise me in the least. At this point in time, I'll probably hold off on the lab tests just because of life circumstances, but I'll definitely save these resources for future use. Again, thanks so...
  16. The_Chicken_Tender

    Chicken with sudden paralysis and tremors (and brittle / broken feathers)!!

    😅 Fair enough. I'm in Washington state. But I don't know if my course of action will change whether it's Marek's or the other virus, because neither have a cure, so there is not much to do either way. How did you keep your flock healthy?
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