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  1. brucewayne

    Possible beat 34 cents per pound (store prices on quarters) at home? Brainstorming here...

    I disagree. Strongly. And whole concept of not valuing one's time as a cost in unreasonable to me. We have relatively short lives, and we only get one go at this life. Not valuing your time as the most precious thing you have is an issue. I'd trade money and lots of it for premium products and...
  2. brucewayne

    Plastic coop?

    Good point about the weather. I do live in an area that can get snowy and cold in the winter, but I don't know how that would affect the coop. Still a good thought to keep in mind.
  3. brucewayne

    Plastic coop?

    I looking to get a new coop. I've been thinking about making something out of aluminum angle and hardware cloth, but this caught my eye. Yep, it's a plastic coop, and at first glance that screams cheap and...
  4. brucewayne

    A big HELLO from West Virginia!

    I'm new here myself and have also noticed how nice and friendly everyone is. Very nice community here. Glad we're here together!
  5. brucewayne

    New to the group

    I know the feeling of anticipation!
  6. brucewayne

    Possible beat 34 cents per pound (store prices on quarters) at home? Brainstorming here...

    I know this thread has kind of wandered off into where to get $0.80 chicks, but I think it's worth going back to the main point and driving something home. You don't raise chickens at home to complete with factory farms. They've got you beat on scale. They just do. However, you've got them beat...
  7. brucewayne

    New to BYC and I have questions... ;)

    You need to actually use hardware cloth. A somewhat standard convention is to use 2 inch by 4 inch cloth on the floor (if you use it under the coop) and 1 x 2 everywhere else. Home Depot sells it as does other big box hardware retailers. Heck, Amazon sells the stuff. Also, the actual wire used...
  8. brucewayne

    Best way I've found yet to deal with snake problems!!

    I don't think I've got any snakes that I've had to deal with to date, really, but I'm mentally filing this one away. Very cool hack!
  9. brucewayne


    A couple of things here: 1) They are getting food somewhere or they wouldn't be there 2) They are very smart (about as smart as a can actually train them as pets to fetch like a dog, etc) 3) They are extremely cautious. Here's how you're going to catch them without having to...
  10. brucewayne

    Four smaller nest boxes or three larger ones.

    I've heard lots of differing opinions on this, but I think that one nest box per three to five hens is good. Scroll down to the "Nesting boxes" subheading -->
  11. brucewayne

    Insulation needed for winter?

    To summarize: cold weather isn't a problem. The problem is cold, wet air. So have ventilation. That introduces another potential problem of a draft. Yet, as long as wind isn't hitting the chickens, you're good. And yes, even in cold weather, the body of a chicken is amazingly warm.
  12. brucewayne

    Some of my Chicken Art

    These are cool. Or rather the quality of the pictures you can take with a good light box is cool. I really need to get one for myself.
  13. brucewayne

    Yes or No?

    Nope. Up at 5:50am (well, maybe that's sleeping in to some) Did you talk to the person you like the most today (significant other, child, mentor, etc)?
  14. brucewayne

    Chickens Vs Ducks

  15. brucewayne

    Yum or Yuck?

    Yum! BLT sandwich
  16. brucewayne

    Lets count to a million

  17. brucewayne

    Had to have these!!!

    Yep. Agreed, they are cool shirts for a little guy.
  18. brucewayne

    Lets count to a million

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