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  1. shadow rabbit10

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Fly strike is gross. Hope she recovers soon.
  2. shadow rabbit10

    Been off BYC for about 5 years now I'm lost here and just want to talk to people

    Hello. Like you I joined BYC a years ago, was on all the time, then got caught up in life, and disappeared for a while. It's been hard to get back into it and I'm still not as active around here as I would like, but would love to find new people to chat with. I also like to play video games, as...
  3. shadow rabbit10

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Yes Northern NY is very beautiful, but where I'm staying is a bit too in the middle of nowhere for my tastes. I'm about a 15 minute drive from Canada. I'm up here for a dairy farm internship. Good news is I get to go home in about 2 weeks. I have had an amazing time, but I'm ready to go home...
  4. shadow rabbit10

    Way OFF-Topic: Dungeons & Dragons

    Nice. I played part of TOA, but my group stopped due to some scheduling issues. Chult is a fun setting. You sound like you're already doing a decent job coming up with a working backstory though. Here are a few little thinking prompts I like to use when I make new characters: -Create three...
  5. shadow rabbit10

    Pipd's Peeps!

    They all got so beautiful! I especially love Archernar he is gorgeous. And the last pic of Vega and Altair is so cute. Glad to hear the weather hasn't been too bad. I am lucky to not have had much rain this summer in northern NY (where I'm living for the summer), but last week's heat was brutal.
  6. shadow rabbit10

    Way OFF-Topic: Dungeons & Dragons

    I just started playing DnD two years ago! It is intimidating at first with all the rules but you'll pick them up in no time. Do you have any idea what class/background you want your character to be? Once you get some basic ideas making a backstory is easier. Also it might help to discuss your...
  7. shadow rabbit10

    Rabbit Fur Mite Treatment?

    Yes my cages are wood/wire too so I couldn't spray them with bleach or anything unfortunately. And same I had my rabbits for YEARS before I had this issue. Even when I showed them I never got mites so I had no clue where they came from. Not to scare you but don't be surprised if they come back...
  8. shadow rabbit10

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Happy birthday! Was just starting to wonder where you've been. Glad all is well. Hope you are having a great (an hopefully not too hot) summer.
  9. shadow rabbit10

    Rabbit Fur Mite Treatment?

    Hi! I ended up administering inject-able Ivermectin orally at 0.2cc per 10 lbs. body weight. Injection is supposed to be more effective, but I did not have access to needles. Since my rabbits did not weigh 10 lbs, this required some math to get the corrected dose but ended up being an extremely...
  10. shadow rabbit10

    Pipd's Peeps!

    The OEGBs are so pretty :drool I cannot wait for the day I can get my own chickens again I would get so many of those. Also idk if I've said this but I love the names you've picked for the recent batch of birds. They're so mythical sounding.
  11. shadow rabbit10

    Pipd's Peeps!

    I'm living in upstate New York for the summer and they are everywhere! Nasty little biters. I've never seen them in New Jersey where I normally live. I had no idea they could harm chickens.
  12. shadow rabbit10

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Are buffalo gnats also called black flies? I think they're exclusive to certain regions. Sorry to hear about Iddy Biddy, especially so soon after your other bird. :(:hugs
  13. shadow rabbit10

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Sorry to hear about Indigo :(:hugs
  14. shadow rabbit10

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Your chicken has an extra growth on its shoulder too? :eek: Glad to know my birds aren't the only ones with this not-so-rare condition! :lol:
  15. shadow rabbit10

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Unfortunately we have lot of birds and most of the money we make comes from fertile eggs. The roosters do their job in that area, so we can't really get rid of them. They tend to leave the full time manager alone (for the most part) since she's there all the time but they love to go after us...
  16. shadow rabbit10

    Pipd's Peeps!

    I can't tell which one it is, there's a bunch of roosters and they all look the same. And they're all rude. :hmm Hopefully the weather is getting nicer where you are and you can take some nice spring pictures. Hope the babies are doing well.
  17. shadow rabbit10

    Pipd's Peeps!

    True I didn't think of that. I was wearing jeans and I don't think he tore through my jeans, but somehow he did draw blood. Luckily I just had my tetanus booster in November so I should be okay.
  18. shadow rabbit10

    Pipd's Peeps!

    The babies are growing up to be so pretty! Love the color on the silver ones. Also love the fluffy face. Hope your day has been well, and hopefully better than mine. Got attacked by a rooster at work and the jerk gave me four bloody marks through my jeans :mad: Glad to hear Crashie is getting...
  19. shadow rabbit10

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Ooh OEG chicks are cute. So tiny. Have fun with them.
  20. shadow rabbit10

    New Jersey

    Might not be exactly what you're looking for, but here's my advice and what I've done. First off I agree with Cryss, most of those pre-fab coops are way too small and will be poorly insulated for the winter. What I did was actually order a custom coop from the Amish. There's a various coop...
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