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  1. GlicksChicks

    The Thread of Tomfoolery! 🤪

    Let's make eachother laugh and/or smile by posting memes, funny pictures, jokes, stories, etc. This thread is about having fun and making days better!! Join us on this tomfoolery thread! Tag your friends and others you think would like to have a good laugh!
  2. GlicksChicks

    11 Week Old Silver Laced Wyandotte Mix Cockerel

    I have an 11 week old Silver Laced Wyandotte Mix cockerel. His coloration is the classic white and black with the white being the most dominant coloration. He is the best behaved of the 4 roosters I am currently raising. He is selling for $7. PM for details.
  3. GlicksChicks

    Best Weight to Process Dual-Purpose Cockerels

    I hatched chickens for the first time 10 weeks ago. My pullet to cockerel ratio was pretty good! 4 cockerels to 8 pullets. I am keeping all the pullets from the batch but not the cockerels. I have been trying to sell them since I have known they are cockerels and there has been no interest at...
  4. GlicksChicks

    Food "Forest" Ideas?

    Today while I was collecting seeds from my Cauliflower seed pods I was thinking about the seed pods opening up on their own when I wasn't around, and that got me thinking even more.. What if I made a garden section where I left the plants, partially, to their own devices. I would still water...
  5. GlicksChicks

    10 Week Old Black Copper Maran Mix Roosters! Fort Worth, TX

    I have two Black Copper Maran mix cockerels with the Maran coloration being dominant in their coloring. They are both 10 weeks old. One is larger in size than the other cockerel. The cockerels are $7 each or $10 for both together. PM me if interested. I will send more pictures and/or details...
  6. GlicksChicks

    Commercial Eggs/Meat Vs. Backyard Eggs/Meat

    ‼️ DISCLAIMER ‼️ Before I begin to state my opinion and what I think could be done to fix the problem I am assessing, I want to give some disclaimers: 1. I am not a vegan, so I am not one of the vegans that belittle people for doing things with animals (Not all vegans are like that!) 2. I am not...
  7. GlicksChicks

    Rooster Time! Let's Share Pics/Stories of our Roosters!

    We hear so much about hens and chicks on here, let's give our roosters the spotlight they deserve! Roosters are very interesting creatures. They are so stoic and gorgeous but can be so dorky sometimes. They can also be big and strong but have a soft, sweet side. Let's share stories and/or...
  8. GlicksChicks

    Best Age to Sell Roosters?

    I have 4 roosters/cockerels that are almost 10 weeks old. My intentions are to tell them. What age do most people prefer to buy roosters? Do they want to buy them as little chicks, around the age of mine, or as full aged breeding males? I want to know if they are less likely to be bought as...
  9. GlicksChicks

    What do My Different Chicken Mixes Produce?

    Buckeye × Silver Laced Wyandotte: Makes: Buckeye × Speckled Sussex: Makes: Buckeye × Black Copper Maran: Makes:
  10. GlicksChicks

    Who is the Mother of these Pullets?

    I have 3 chicks from my first batch of chicks I ever hatched. They are barnyard mixes. Three of them all have the same general coloration, and they are all pullets as far as I can tell at the moment. They are all 9 weeks old now. The father is 100% a Buckeye because that was the only...
  11. GlicksChicks

    9 Week Old Buff Orpington Cockerel Trying to Mate? Is This Normal?

    Today I was cleaning my chicken coop and watching my 9 week old chicks explore. As I was watching them, one of my 9 week old Buff Orpington cockerels seemed to try and mate with one of the 9 week old Buff Orpington pullets. He tried it twice. What I saw was him grab the back of her neck with...
  12. GlicksChicks

    9 Week Old Roosters for $7

    I have 4 roosters that are 9 weeks old. They are $7 each. PM if interested. I am located in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, but buyers do not have to be in the DFW area. We can find a location in between our locations to meet. I have: 2 Black Copper Maran/Buckeye Mixes, attached below. A...
  13. GlicksChicks

    Who is the Mother of This Pullet?

    Hello, I have a 9 week old pullet that I can't identify the mother of. A while back I was told that all of my black chicks had Black Copper Marans as mothers but she has markings that makes me think her mother may be a Silver Laced Wyandotte. I know the breed of the rooster, he is a Buckeye...
  14. GlicksChicks

    Glicks Chicks: The Chick Flicks

    Hello! This is going to be a thread with stories of my flock and my chicks! Expect cute, silly, and wholesome updates of my flock! Join me as my flock grows and I start dabbling in breeding flocks for pure bred poultry! Also join me in my journey to starting a business in breeding and selling...
  15. GlicksChicks

    [DFW Or Nearby] Dual Purpose Barnyard Mix Eggs

    1 dozen: $10 18 Dozen: $13 I get up to 8 fertile eggs/day, so egg gathering will be fast. Egg colors are light brown to dark brown. Examples will be attached. I am in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and I am okay with finding a meeting place in between our locations to lessen driving. Rooster is a...
  16. GlicksChicks

    Best Chicken Breeds to Breed for Selling?

    I plan on doing some breeding flocks of different chicken breeds to sell. Have one rooster with however many hens I feel should be in the breeding pens. I have been looking into desirable and popular chicken breeds in the US, as well as endangered/rare breeds and I have found many articles om...
  17. GlicksChicks

    [Dallas-Fort Worth Area or Nearby] Four 7 Month Old Cockerels. $7/Cockerel

    I have four Barnyard Mix cockerels for sale. I am hoping to find new homes for these cockerels because I cannot keep any more roosters. The first cockerel is a Speckled Sussex hen/Buckeye rooster mix. The second and third are Black Copper Maran hen/Buckeye rooster mix. (The second rooster is...
  18. GlicksChicks

    Introducing 7 Week Old Chicks to my 8 Month Old Flock

    Today I opened the chicks caged area in the coop and left a small opening for the chicks to slip in and out of. The opening is not big enough for the adults to get through. I have seen the chicks using it. I watched the flock for a while and the only chicken that has "attacked" the chicks is my...
  19. GlicksChicks

    Best Way to Get Buyers for Chicks Before Hatching? Need Help With Selling Chicks

    I do not know if this is the correct forum for this post, but I felt that it may suit my questions. I want to sell chicks, but I also do not want to hatch chicks expecting them to sell and then be over-run by baby chickens that I cannot sell and cannot keep. So my questions are, how can I get...
  20. GlicksChicks

    🖌Community Art Nook🖌

    ♡ Hello and welcome to the Community Art Nook! ♡ This little art nook is a place for artists and art lovers alike! You don't have to be an artist to be welcome here! This is a safe place to look and interact! All are welcome. Ask for art critique and tips. Show projects you are working on...
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