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  • Users: MomvdH
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  1. MomvdH

    Molting or picking??

    We are a bit worried. Does this look like she is being pecked in the neck, or molting? We are new to chickens (10 months) , and only had experience with one obvious molt. This is our 6 month old Buff Orpington. At first we assumed she was getting pecked, but the patch is growing. So far no...
  2. MomvdH

    Tips needed for adding chicks to main coop

    We are new to chickens since April. We have 4 five month old hens. One Austria white, one Welsummer, and 2 silkies. We had to rehome 4 roosters. I wanted 8 total for our little coop, so we got 4 chicks - one buff Orpington, two Wyandottes, and one speckled Sussex, who are now 5 weeks old...
  3. MomvdH

    Two roosters ….how to choose?

    I know no one can make the decision for me, but out of 8 chicks, we ended up with 4 roosters. Two have been rehomed, and we now need to decide which of the remaining two to keep, if any at all. We cant free range, so don’t really need a rooster for protection. They are 17 weeks old. One is a...
  4. MomvdH

    Big rooster, small hen

    This feels like a silly question, but I know there are no silly questions. Our rooster is a pretty large black maran. And in our small flock of 6, we have 2 small silkies. All the same age. I’m afraid the big rooster will hurt the small ones trying to mount them. Do you just not worry about...
  5. MomvdH

    Injury near comb

    Hello. I am a first time chicken mom and this is our first possible injury. Our chickens are 15 weeks old. We started with 8, we are down to 6 (rehomed 2 roosters so far). This is one of 2 hens that we are certain of. We have a very large black maran rooster, who has started chasing all the...
  6. MomvdH

    RIR rooster?

    We are getting ready to rehome what we believe is a RIR rooster, because we also have a black maran rooster that we like better, and possibly one other. But before I go through with it, I want to be as sure as I can be. Opinions?
  7. MomvdH

    Sex and/or breed help

    I hope these pictures are clear enough. I have raised 8 chicks from day 2, who are now almost 14 weeks. I’m thinking 3-4 are Roos. I was hoping, as maybe most of us do, for all hens. I’ve already rehomed one definite roo who was becoming too mean, chasing the others, pecking, etc. He was a...
  8. MomvdH

    New Chicken Mama in KY

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? My 13 year old daughter and I are a new chicken mama “team”….with my husband‘s helpful support. We got our first newly hatched chicks, 8 barnyard mix, in early April, 2023. We are still trying to figure out what breed they are...
  9. MomvdH

    Coop run tarps

    Hi. First post here. New chicken mama too. We have an Omlet coop that we decided to extend with a hoop coop for more space. We cannot free range due to predators. So my husband and daughter built a hoop coop for extra space, and they covered it with a heavy duty gray tarp. I was thinking...
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