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  • Users: sjallen78
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  1. sjallen78

    Miracle chicks

    My hen was laying on 17 eggs, after 2wks she got off the nest and started laying in an empty nest box. After more than 2 days of being off nest and eggs were cold I brought them in,candle them but couldn't see anything so i put them in incubator. The temp kept going up and down, humidity all...
  2. sjallen78

    Thank you to all

    I haven't been on in awhile and didn't notice bday wishes from last yr, I just wanted say thank you. All my chickens and ducks are doing great. Also thank you for all the help on here. God bless everyone and I pray everyone is doing good.
  3. sjallen78

    Polish chicks and turkeys

    I incubated polish chicks for place we buy feed from. Chicks did great. I'm doing turkey eggs now. I know it's 28 days for hatch. Today is day 27 one pipped. But the biggest egg started rocking 4 days ago and still hasn't pipped, still rocking. Is that normal. The one that pipped started rocking...
  4. sjallen78

    Wry neck duckling

    We had duck laying on eggs, she kept rearranging the nest box. Didn't realize she had buried eggs in the ground and last time she rearranged them she brought up the cold eggs and put them at top. Then almost 2 wks later she didn't want to sit on eggs anymore. It had been almost month at this...
  5. sjallen78

    Chicks and ducks

    I got a new incubator pro Harris and it done good. The only issue I had was ducks are so weak, only 2 hatched so far. Chicks hatched no issues but they move so much they moved duck eggs around that i think it caused ducks to reposition taking longer to hatch, pipped in 2 different sides. They...
  6. sjallen78

    My lil Chickadee

    We had to incubate few eggs due to 2 hens acting as Co moms. It was pretty cool. We didn't know they had that many eggs though lol. Came home and saw 4 babies on the ground and my black miran was taking care them. She wasn't sitting on the eggs though, Big red sat on the eggs and Rhode runner...
  7. sjallen78

    Injured duck

    I have indian runner ducks, I bought a male suppose to been blue Indian runner but looks black or maybe mixed drake. It wasn't the same drake as Pic. I kept it anyways because I felt it was safer with us. Anyway, she's almost 2yrs old. I noticed her limping a couple days ago, then yesterday she...
  8. sjallen78

    Question about soil

    I have 8 Indian runner ducks, 1 Welsh and 1 khaki Campbell/Welsh ducks and alot of chickens. I'm making payments on land, looked good at first. As I went back farther where animals will be. I noticed there's alot of gray clay soil and another area I think of wetland. I'm in NC. It says soil will...
  9. sjallen78

    Not a serious question

    If I preheat my oven to 100 degrees, and place duck eggs in there for 27-28 days, will they hatch lol..jk.. just a corny joke for the day
  10. sjallen78

    2 minth old chick staggering

    I feel heartbroken. I hatched 17 eggs, baby chicks inside the house because the 2 chickens that was laying on them apparently had eggs that another chicken had laid so hatching at different times. Anyway, the 1st one that hatched seemed to grow attached to me. She would hear my voice and come...
  11. sjallen78

    Grown Indian Runner scared of baby ducks

    When Hope was born, didn't think she'd make it. Only one to hatch and survive of 7 eggs. We got 2 more ducklings to keep Hope company. We put them all together at 3 months old in separate fences but side by side. They all seemed to want to be together so after 1 month, we opened both fences so...
  12. sjallen78

    My little flock, Chickens, ducks and dogs lol

    We started out with 6 hens, silver lace, golden comet and Barred Plymouth Rocks, named silver, lacey, cinnamon, ginger, boss lady and Rochelle. Then my husband wanted 2 ducks but so we got 2 induan runners, named Queenie and Chief and was told 2 Cornish hens but it was1 Cornish named butterball...
  13. sjallen78

    Help, not sure if normal

    I have 3 different ducklings, indian runner hatched with issues and because she was only one to hatch, we got 2 more ducklings to keep her company. Theodore is supposedly black Canya or Klaki Campbell and Eleanor is Welsh mix Canya or Campbell. I noticed Therodoe had watery diarrhea 1st day...
  14. sjallen78

    Indian Runner Duckling, skin issue

    I wasn't sure which thread to put this under. My Indian runner is 12 days old tonight. Hope was the only one to hatch out of 7 eggs and had some problems, we had to help her hatch due to malpositioned and shrink wrap. Took us a couple days to get dried blood and stuff off her wing and head. We...
  15. sjallen78

    Can anyone tell me why my duck does this

    I have Indian runner ducks. First 2 I got was male and female. My female Queenie started laying last yr, she would lay 10 eggs, cover them up, lay 10 more on top of that, cover them up then lay 10 more and sit on them. Not exaggerating , she literally laid 30 eggs to sit on lol. She done good...
  16. sjallen78

    Thank you to all on this site

    I've looked at these feeds a lot to learn things and I finally made an account. I wanted to thank everyone for always helping others with questions and not treating ppl like idiots if they made a mistake. I've seen ppl say yeah shouldn't of done that but at least you'll know more next time, etc...
  17. sjallen78

    Hatching indian runner

    He started pipping externally yesterday morning. He's chirping and moving. The other eggs havent pipped, day 30, but I see small bruising spot on eggs. Mostly at bottom. I put them all in incubator same time with pointy side down. Stopped egg Turner at day 25 and placed them pointy side down...
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