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  • Users: LaurenRitz
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  1. LaurenRitz

    Breed and age assistance please?

    A friend is asking about breed and gender. I think pullet and some kind of bantam. Any ideas? Friend is not sure of the age, but we think about 12 weeks. Same age as the other she is perching beside.
  2. LaurenRitz

    Free ranging hazards

    I guess she thought I built her a nest. Not that I want to encoursge this, but she's happily arranging her space.
  3. LaurenRitz

    Lacing vs barring

    Is this lacing? Her father is barred, the barring coming from her Bielefelder grandfather. Her mother is a Jersey Giant, her father Bielefelder x JG
  4. LaurenRitz

    13 week chick is lethargic

    I am at a loss. This is the second Speckled Sussex chick (13 weeks) that is showing the same symptoms. Lethargic, not eating (at least when I can see). She eats and drinks fine when I get her inside, then a day or two after I put her back outside she's right back to the same behavior. There...
  5. LaurenRitz

    Informal research poll on broodiness

    Do you have chickens that go broody? I am curious to see if there are even mild similarities in management.
  6. LaurenRitz

    Landrace/adaptive breeding discussion

    @EddieSalita @Perris @U_Stormcrow I'd like to start a discussion about adaptive breeding for chickens. Basically, a landrace is a locally adapted variety which has enough genetic diversity to adapt to changing conditions. Landraces are often different even just a few miles apart, and the...
  7. LaurenRitz

    Lethargic chick, not an emergency yet

    The patient is a 12 week old Speckled Sussex. She has been standing around the run for a couple of weeks at least, sleeping a lot and not wanting to move. When I approached she would wake up and run, but once in the coop at night I couldn't tell her from her sisters. At this point she is enough...
  8. LaurenRitz

    Maturity for meat birds

    Do meat bird pullets reach sexual maturity faster? They're only 12 weeks but combs and wattles are reddening and the cockerels are starting to show an interest in them.
  9. LaurenRitz

    I Have a conundrum

    One of my girls went broody and is now the proud Mama of four chicks. She is currently raising them in the broody cage. Problem is, I think another is going broody, and I'm not at all sure that the broody cage is big enough for them both. It is apx 5x5 and floored with sand. I built it for two...
  10. LaurenRitz

    Broody question

    The chicks first outside excursion was an adventure. They're in the broody cage attached to another coop. The other birds have been interested but basically ignored them except for complaining that they couldn't get to the food. I opened the door, and this time she led her chicks out for the...
  11. LaurenRitz

    Grafting still possible?

    Long story omitted. I gave my broody two chicks yesterday. This afternoon she is out of the nest with them. I have two more in the brooder. Is it too late to graft them on? Should I just try and see what happens?
  12. LaurenRitz

    Things you can say that need an explanation

    "It’s just easier to eat them when they're jerks." If there was a family of racoons in my living room, you can bet they'd be endangered.
  13. LaurenRitz

    Ranger issues?

    I got 5 straight run Rudd Rangers this spring in the hope that one or two would be female to add to my landrace. One refused to roost in the coop at night (usually disappeared a couple hours before sundown) and didn't come back one morning. Of the remaining four, one is a cockerel. They are...
  14. LaurenRitz

    Genetic question re: black with red pattern

    I'm curious. I crossed a JG to RIR hens, and all chicks were black. The one surviving cockerel has bright red markings. Because of good behavior over 2 generations I decided I wanted his sons for my new flock. I set 10 eggs, 7 of which hatched. In the 3rd generation the chicks segregated to...
  15. LaurenRitz

    Here we go...

    Finally someone went broody! A second is showing signs but hasn't committed yet.
  16. LaurenRitz

    Should I set her eggs?

    I am rather looking for second and third and however many opinions as I can get. I currently have two broody hens. I have eggs set aside for them. The combination is Biel x JG roo, hens might be JG, Biel, or BA. I had never planned to set the eggs of the Biel hen. She had some health problems...
  17. LaurenRitz

    How to integrate?

    I have a group of nine 7 week old chicks that I need to integrate into the adult coop. One of the hens doesn’t like chicks AT ALL and the roo doesn't seem to like them either. On that last point they'll just have to deal, but it applies. The chicks have been in the secure run since they were...
  18. LaurenRitz

    Mice in the greenhouse?

    I finally got around to planting my greenhouse a couple of weeks ago. Everything coming up, beautiful! Then one night my spinach disappeared. I found the entrance hole, but since then every night something else is gone. Last night they finished off the last of my arugula and mustards. The...
  19. LaurenRitz

    Everybody should get to eat!

    I have a second coop with three 10 week old cockerels and ten 6 week old should-be-pullets. I have three feeding stations, all out of sight of the others. When I open up in the morning all three bowls are full. The three older birds immediately stake out all the feeding stations and drive the...
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