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  1. Hedgeland Farms

    October hatch along?!?!

    Anyone else out there due to hatch in Oct? I set my eggs yesterday giving me a hatch date of Oct 18th. These are from my Galaxy group (barred rocks) they are my dual purpose bird. We just harvested the Comets which were hatched from barred rock eggs bought on Ebay. They weren't pure barred...
  2. Hedgeland Farms

    What kinda comb does this little boy have...(4wks)

    I don't have many chickens without a straight comb..ive had pea...but this is not that... He is from an egg I ordered....there is a lost of possible parents attached
  3. Hedgeland Farms

    What causes drowing in a shell

    Having a great hatch for the most part! 2 eggs from lock down didn't make it... One being twins..and they were sooo sooo close...mostly absorbed yolks..but facing each other so couldn't pip... The other was full of fluid and developed... What causes the fluid build up.?
  4. Hedgeland Farms

    Solved Can someone please move this thread

    Can someone help me move this thread Thread 'Raising the Galaxies' To the stories and pictures of my flock. I'd like to continue documenting as I move onto hatching and culling...
  5. Hedgeland Farms

    Can someone explain to me how this works??

    Do I need a ground pole and a sar electric box to get this working?? Thinking of following @DobieLover and their set up...while having a secure run/coop, but then perhaps fencing off more around it to provide more space for them to forage a bit..... But when I look at it...I can't seem to...
  6. Hedgeland Farms

    Barred me decide

    I want to buy hatching eggs from this seller. Her birds (I believe) are true heritage barred rocks. I am basing this solely on how the boys look. Her boys are darker than what I'd hatch from my hatchery stock...and closer to SOP (I believe) as I am not super familiar with it. I need someone to...
  7. Hedgeland Farms

    Is this the right place to ask?? Waterglassed cracked egg

    Is the whole batch ruined?? Anyway to save it??
  8. Hedgeland Farms

    Talk to me about your dual purpose coop schedule

    Hey everyone, If you don't mind to share your schedule for your dual purpose coops. This is what I am thinking. Hatch out chicks from said coop for the freezer 1 or 2xs a yr. Rotate the complete flock out after 2 yrs.... At the 1.5yr mark set a replacement hatch... and cull off the flock...
  9. Hedgeland Farms

    Want to share a tip thats helped me the last 2 integrations

    Hey all, I wanted to share this tip. I use cardboard boxes (who doesn't order from I cut an opening big enough for the chicks and start using this in their outdoor brooder. They home to the box. Once I am ready to remove the barrier of the brooder, I still continue to use...
  10. Hedgeland Farms

    Gender guesses a little over 2wk old barred rocks (i realize its a little early)

    Bird 1... I am torn on. I think feather patterns say female...but....I am not sure Bird 2... I believe to be a cockerel Bird 3... I believe to be a pullet...
  11. Hedgeland Farms


    Help please... My hubby brought me home a baby pheasant. Said its 6wks...but it looks like 4 wks...(was hatched with others 2x his size. Any info would be appreciated... He was thinking i could raise it with my 3 chicks
  12. Hedgeland Farms

    Help me place a 3rd roost...

    Here's my set up...minus hanging food...its now in the run.. Thinking poop hammock and then directly under the roosts I have....unless someone else can see another solution. I thought abt poop boards but I really haven't figured out how to do that as I think the bottom roost is 3.5 ft from...
  13. Hedgeland Farms

    Rural king was over crowded

    Rural king had a ton of black sex links. They were so over crowded 😩 These poor chicks were ordered in s mass quanity by an employee who then quit. They weren't needed at all for any order. The chicks were eating feathers off of each other. .. So, of course 8 of them jumped in my cart and...
  14. Hedgeland Farms

    How do YOU feed your birds??

    Sooo question is in the title. I have had my flock for a yr. Started a second flock this yr. My first flock are all a mix different breed layers. I usually feed all flock in 2 5 gallon buckets with ports. Free feed as they are in a run. However, they eat the heck outta it. I have 17 birds...
  15. Hedgeland Farms

    Curiosity killed the cat

    I have an elevated 8x8 coop. It's currently housing 17 of my hens. I am looking at getting rid of said hens in that coop and getting into quail. My question is... Can quail live in an 8x8 elevated coop... There is a 530sq ft run build around the coop (coop is inside the run) It is netted high...
  16. Hedgeland Farms

    When do you DISPATCH

    So, I had a rooster (Johnny) who needed to be dispatched. I was willing to do it the first day, hubby wanted to wait a wk so I nursed him (or tried to for a wk) In the end, he still needed dispatched. I had a CCL her name was Loretta. It is believed she was internally laying and she passed...
  17. Hedgeland Farms

    Please help me figure this one out!

    A friend surprised me with a cockerel. 😍😍 He looks like a barred rock. She said he's a Dominque but I thought those had rose combs. If he is Dominque, chances of him throwing a rose comb?? She said he could and that she wants a chick if he does. She said she saw dad and he also had a straight...
  18. Hedgeland Farms

    Gold leakage...mean anything??

    I have a 3wk old chick. Asian Black. This was not on my list of such to pick up this year, hubby thought they were barred rocks when they were little. One has leakage, the other does not...wondering if there's any indication that one is a male and one is not??? Or do they just grow up different...
  19. Hedgeland Farms

    Chances i have a boy??

    3.5 wks Barred rock Rural King (orders from Hoovers) Just curious as I am hoping for a boy! I know time will tell...but wondered what the experts think. 😉 There is a dark wash on the legs, I think the feathering is kinda in between. Not quite gray, but not black either. Head spot...I don't...
  20. Hedgeland Farms

    My teenage daughter wants ducks 😍

    Hi there, My teenage daughter is wanting 2 ducks. We don't have a set up for them yet so this will be next yrs endeavor. We don't have a pond, but read abt burying a kiddie pool. Just trying to learn abt them. Do I need more than 2, these will be just pets? Space requirements?? Will it be a...
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