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  1. YellowRoseFarm

    2 Broody Brand New Layers

    Hi all, I have a small mixed flock that were all purchased as chicks in February, and they all started laying around the end of July - the beginning of August. The 2 white Cochins are both already broody and have been for the last 3 weeks. First, it was just one, but soon after, the other...
  2. YellowRoseFarm

    Lavender Orpington rooster crosses

    Hi all, I ended up with 4 roosters from the Lavender Orpington bin at TSC and one of them is just such a sweet boy I'm thinking of keeping him. I have a mixed flock and I'm curious if anyone has any experience with crossing a LO rooster with any of the following: - white cochin - black cochin...
  3. YellowRoseFarm

    Lavender Orpington Sexing

    Hi, all! I've posted about Chonk in another forum, tracking the growth of my farm store LOs from McMurray Hatchery. I wasn't initially going to get LOs (because of the shredder gene) but these poor babies looked so pitiful and stressed (one had splay leg, one had pasty butt) that I just had to...
  4. YellowRoseFarm

    North Texas: 3 Lavender Orpington Cockerels

    Hi all, I have 3 lavender orpington cockerels that are 8 weeks. From the straight-run bin at TSC, and unfortunately, they're each too good at roostering already. Not crowing yet, but terrorizing my existing flock, trying to battle out who will be the head of the flock. Neither of them mind being...
  5. YellowRoseFarm

    Newcomer Bullying Existing Flock

    Hi all! I have a mixed flock of 9. They're primarily large but docile breeds, including 2 Black Giants, 3 Cochins, 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes, and 2 Easter Eggers. They're still young - around 13/14 weeks. I was brooding 4 Lavender Orpingtons from the straight run bin, which are now 7 weeks...
  6. YellowRoseFarm

    Bloody Hole in Beak - 4 week old

    Hi all, I searched and searched for the answer to this, and there doesn't seem to be any consensus on what can cause this. My 4-week-old Lavender Orpington developed a hole in its beak overnight. I've seen no signs of bullying by the other chicks. He doesn't seem interested in sticking his...
  7. YellowRoseFarm

    Chonky Boy (?) the Lavender Orpington Chick

    Hello! I have 4 2-week-old Lavender Orpington chicks in the brooder. These are hatchery chicks (Hoover's, I believe) we found at a local farm store in the straight run bin. One had splayed legs, and one had a severe pasty butt. So by no means do I expect that these babies are to breeder...
  8. YellowRoseFarm

    OverEz Automatic Coop Door

    Hi all, I was going to re-use my Omlet automatic coop door on my new coop build and I realize that it's much too small for my larger breeds. I've seen a couple of posts asking this same question, but it doesn't appear they ever received an answer. So, I'll give it a shot. Has anyone used the...
  9. YellowRoseFarm

    Buying Straight Run Code for Cockerels?

    Hi all, just a random question here. The chicks in my local farm stores (TSC and Atwoods) are all from either Ideal Poultry or Hoover's. I see many breeds that are sold as sexed pullets and then there are those straight run bins. Am I just not "in the know" and is straight run really code for a...
  10. YellowRoseFarm

    Ginormous Silver Laced Wyandotte

    Hello, BYC friends! I have 2 silver laced wyandotte pullets (presumably) that are 3 weeks old today. I also have 2 black giants (2 weeks old), 3 cochins (3 weeks), and 2 easter eggers (2 weeks). I read that SLWs tend to mature slower than other breeds, but mine are nearly double the size of the...
  11. YellowRoseFarm

    Confusing Tail Feathers on an EE

    Hi all. I sure wish I had these Easter Eggers figured out. Makes me appreciate my Welbars even more :) I have one confirmed cockerel, he had a red comb at 4 weeks, he started crowing at 8 weeks. The dude was super obvious. I have another EE, 9-weeks-old, whose pea comb is only now turning...
  12. YellowRoseFarm

    Another EE Sexing Question

    Hello again. I have 4 EEs I got from the pullet bin at TSC and one of them is most definitely a cockerel. I'm bummed about it, but I figured I still have 3 colored egg layers so no big deal. Well, today I noticed Betty Lou's saddle feathers are remarkably pointy. She's almost 7-weeks-old and...
  13. YellowRoseFarm

    Cochin chick feathering

    Hi all, I've read that cochins tend to feather out a lot slower than other breeds. I'm wondering how slow is too slow. I have a blue cochin that's almost 2-weeks old. All of her brooder mates are growing out their wing feathers as you'd expect. Brunhilda, on the other hand, has none. She's...
  14. YellowRoseFarm

    Has anyone ever used a cooling pad?

    I'm planning ahead for ways to keep the girls cool in the Texas summer and I've seen kiddie pools with water and rocks, DIY evaporative coolers, etc. I have pretty good ventilation in the coop vis-a-vis a cross breeze as well as a ceiling vent on a thermostat but I'm concerned about staying cool...
  15. YellowRoseFarm

    4 Free Pullets in Denton Co. TX

    UPDATE: Rehomed. Well, we got our requested variance but the limit on the number of chickens we can have is 6. So, I now need to rehome 4 of my chicks :(
  16. YellowRoseFarm

    Another EE Sexing Post

    Hi all, I've posted about Ruby Sue before when she was suffering from chronic pasty butt. She's doing really well, thriving! My EEs are 4-weeks old today and Ruby Sue is the only one of my birds that has any red on their comb. Her comb is all red, in fact and it almost happened overnight...
  17. YellowRoseFarm

    Welbar Chick Feathering Out Differently

    Hello, This set of chicks is nearing the 5-week mark, so I don't expect to know whether I have acquired any cockerels with any measure of certainty. But I'll put it out there anyway, if for no other reason than for the sake of posterity. I have 3 Welbar chicks, and because they're...
  18. YellowRoseFarm

    Straight from Starter Grower to Layer Feed?

    Hi all, I've seen variations on this question but not asked quite in this way, so my apologies if I'm duplicating efforts. I've been feeding my chicks (4 weeks & 2 weeks) Grubbly Farms Little Pecks Grower feed. For those not familiar, Grubbly Farms offers 2 feeds: a starter grower and a...
  19. YellowRoseFarm

    4-week old pullet already a 'mother hen'

    Hi all! Just wanted to share an observation of chicken behavior. I'm still new to these chicken shenanigans and it's fascinating to watch them grow into their own individual personalities. There's a 2-week difference between my 2 sets of chicks. I've had them separated by a poultry fence in...
  20. YellowRoseFarm

    Easter Egger or Cream Legbar? Also, is there a thing such as "Runny Butt?"

    Hello! No longer on the sidelines, we're chicken owners now, yeah! We got our chicks from TSC which, I understand, can be sort of a mixed bag. The brooder we picked our Easter Eggers from also had Cream Legbars and Lavender Orpingtons. We pointed out the chicks we wanted, my kids gave each one...
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