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  1. Arbutus Peregrine

    Wildfires and smoke — hazardous air quality — Herbs for respiratory health?

    We are experiencing the worst air quality in the world today here in Portland, Oregon due to wildfires ... not something to brag about. My chickens are hanging in there and I’ve given them loads of extra trreats...but I’m wondering if there’s more I can do? Thinking about soaking herbs for...
  2. Arbutus Peregrine

    Tube Feeding Questions

    Hello :) I have a 13 week old FBCM cockerel with unknown medical issues. I took him to the vet and got no answers. I have an appointment at another vet July 6th... oof! How do I wait that long?! I learn the most and get all my best help on this here I go hoping for more. I...
  3. Arbutus Peregrine

    6 week old chick suddenly very weak

    My chicks will be 6 weeks old tomorrow—Monday. The last two days we have had heat suddenly after more like 60 degree days. It was 86 yesterday... pretty dry and a slight breeze. My chicks all seem really healthy and happy. They have lots to do and have a big space. Yesterday afternoon, one of my...
  4. Arbutus Peregrine

    MITES? Over-preening? Moulting???

    Hi there :) My bantams are 25 weeks old this week and I am noticing feather loss. I noticed it on a few of my D'Uccles first. They really stick together and groom each other a I thought, maybe it's over-preening. My cockerel was literally "hen-pecked" on his chest about two months ago...
  5. Arbutus Peregrine

    Learning about Cockerels!

    It's been a fun chicken journey since I got my chicks in July. I have sixteen bantam pullets and two bantam cockerels who are about 23.5 weeks old now. It's my first time having boys...and they are quite interesting to learn about and watch. I had to find homes for my other boys and...
  6. Arbutus Peregrine

    Bird netting

    Do you use bird netting to protect your chickens from hawks? I’d like to cover my entire yard and have been watching some videos. I’ll attach one here: If you can offer advice or share photos of your netting, I’d be really grateful!!
  7. Arbutus Peregrine

    Bantam roosters with Standard hens?

    Hi, I'm a crazy person with a rooster-designated coop/run, 8'x16', for eight Bantam cockerels. They are about eleven weeks now and I gotta keep them! I have another coop/run that is more square feet for their pullet cousins and my favorite cockerel. I've had them since they were two days old...
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