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  • Users: lexi234
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  1. lexi234

    2 Week Old Chick, only one showing symptoms

    1) 2 week old chick, black australorp from TSC 2) gasping for air, chirping, shaking. not able to walk, balance seems off. 3) about 48 hours progressively getting worse 4) housed (previously) with 9 other chicks none of which show signs of this or anything like it. we have since separated this...
  2. lexi234

    Chicks… again. never say never!

    Long story short, I started my chicken journey back in maybe 2018 (or earlier) for 4H. Since then, we’ve learned a TON and got more land. Anyhow, when my flock started eating their own eggs a few months back I swore I was just going to stop… uh well that brings us to now when my mom brought home...
  3. lexi234

    Update/Cute Pictures

    While it’s been quite some time, probably back 2019 when I joined or early 2020 since i’ve posted a general life update. I come on here, from time to time.. and then vanish again. I will not get into a ton of my personal life, as i more really just want to share my passion and my current...
  4. lexi234

    membrane dry (been 24+ hours)

    i helped chick remove shell because it had been 28 hours with a little pip.. but now i’m scared I messed up more. I didn’t remove this white layer because it was already too dry.. is my chick in there doomed? how can I help if at all? i put it under a warm, damp cloth for a few moments.. then...
  5. lexi234

    Fun Sign

    I am building a dream duck pen, but does this handmade sign look stupid thus far? also thinking about adding two shadow/black ducks to the two bottom corners. I will be painting my duck coop to match my main chicken coop, grey. this will go on the outside of the fence aviary though, for call ducks.
  6. lexi234


    I am having this issue now although I really need help as it's been months. I've been in and out of hospice, and over that time my mom handled my chickens and they developed this. I am trying everything, even filling fake eggs with mustard. It is my entire flock and they camp out in the coop...
  7. lexi234

    Chick Unbalanced/Neurological Issue

    Hi! I have a 3 day old chick who I thought had splay leg or wry neck, but neither of those seem to be the cause. this chick is a bantam- hatched by hen. I have separated the chick into my room in a small bin with vitamin water and chick crumble. symptoms the chick is showing; unsteadiness...
  8. lexi234

    set eggs july 17, hatch aug 7 2022? - Hatch Along

    Will anyone hatch eggs with me? my brand new incubator is supposed to arrive on the 17th, and i plan to set 6 silkie eggs in it. If anyone would like to join me, please do!! I'll post updates and photos here.
  9. lexi234

    Sexing Adult Silkies

    Hi. these are my two adult white silkies. I believe one is male and one is female… just due to different sizes and feathering and such, but couldn’t tell you which was which. neither i have seen or heard crow, but we have 2 other roosters. any help is appreciated. got these two March 12th I believe.
  10. lexi234

    Sexing Call Ducklings

    Hi! I was wondering if anyone could help me identify the colors of my new call ducklings? I'm aware one will be white, but to my understanding the other is silver? does anyone have examples of this color duckling once grown/matured? I can't find any. thank you.
  11. lexi234

    Basic Coturnix Quail Questions

    Hi, it's been about 2 years since I've used this site to ask questions or to post in general so forgive me for any errors in this thread.. but I just added 5 baby coturnix quail to my homestead. I had a couple questions about getting started with a breeding program more designed towards egg...
  12. lexi234

    baby chick injured

    I have been raising chickens for over a year now, and all of them have been hand-raised from chicks besides 2 hatches. My first hatch was not my own eggs, but went extremely well. The mom got broody again, and this time around I had a rooster so I used my own eggs. 2/4 eggs hatched without...
  13. lexi234

    just some pictures

    My babies are getting so big! These are my 7 week olds! (black silkie and cochin/silkie mix) this was them ONE WEEK AGO! they've grown so much within a week! if anyone wants to guess genders.. I have no idea lol
  14. lexi234

    *a happy post*

    Today we got our first colored egg from our easter egger! just wanted to show it! We also got SEVEN eggs in one day which is a record for us!
  15. lexi234

    need help with all this rain causing issues

    Hi. I'm very worried about my chickens. For some reason, they decided to stay outside most of the day in this terrible rain. They are all soaking wet but I'm especially worried about my main showgirl... I just got home from a 4h meeting and went to check on them and she is alone in a nest box...
  16. lexi234

    mystery of a random white egg

    Hi all! today, the weirdest thing happened. I got TWO white eggs... but we only have 1 white egg layer(that I am aware of) and this egg was much smaller than hers. I want to know who laid this mysterious egg.. and according to what I know about my breeds, none of them are white egg layers other...
  17. lexi234

    silkie mix gender????

    Hi! this is my 6 week old silkie mixed with cochin baby. I was hoping it was a pullet. Looks like a cochin (I think, this is my first one) but with five toes. I would like to know the gender, color, and if this looks like a cochin?
  18. lexi234

    my dreams... a reality :)

    Hi guys! not only am I a chicken lover, but I am an animal fanatic! For years, my mom and I lived in a condo so we couldn't really own any animals other than some hamsters and a cat. We just recently saved up together and moved to a 7 acre farm! our farm has no previous barns or anything, so we...
  19. lexi234

    silkie genders

    Hi everyone! I'm back with my now six week old silkies and would like to have a gender known about this specific one. This one is my absolute favorite and I'm really hoping it's a hen. I can't believe how fast my little babies are growing up. (I know she is not a pure black silkie, but I bought...
  20. lexi234

    Today, I said goodbye. Don't know what happened

    *WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES OF MY DEAD HEN INCLUDED* Today, I was outside with my family basically all afternoon cleaning up the yard. I had just checked for eggs and went inside for about 30 minutes before going back out to shut the chickens in. My dog was standing by this girl, who was outside of...
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