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  1. Jayteetee

    My Chicken Has Blue Eyes - Does Yours?

    Oh my! They look so similar it’s creepy! They even have the same type of comb. How peculiar
  2. Jayteetee

    Gender Guess- 3 week light sussex has me stumped

    9 weeks old! Legs are more yellow. Still not as confident as I would have liked on its sex & breed. Agonising
  3. Jayteetee

    Gender Guess- 3 week light sussex has me stumped

    She doesn’t breed meat birds! She has Perkins, light sussex, barnevelders, Plymouth rocks, australorp, Vorwerk, silkie, Polish. It’s such a mystery to me. It’s 9 weeks old now & I have no further clarity on its breed or sex!
  4. Jayteetee

    My Chicken Has Blue Eyes - Does Yours?

    Have you got a photo of yours? Where do you live? I live in Australia. We were told she could have sussex/leggorn/wyandotte in her.
  5. Jayteetee

    My Chicken Has Blue Eyes - Does Yours?

    How old is the white/ brown chicken?
  6. Jayteetee

    Gender guess 4 week Barnevelder

    I agree- Hazy & Misty look like pullets.. 😊 yay 🥳
  7. Jayteetee

    Gender guess 4 week Barnevelder

    Photos without the sun behind them… sometimes the sun makes the combs look more than they are yet.
  8. Jayteetee

    Gender guess 4 week Barnevelder

    Hmm it’s hard to tel! Can you try and get some more closeup photos of comb & wattles for the two in question? For Hazy & Misty?
  9. Jayteetee

    Gender Guess- 3 week light sussex has me stumped

    It’s the massive chest and thick neck! I feel like that comb is eager to turn red. This chick is doing my head in.. everything screams boy to me but then he’s developing quite slow 😩 he definitely has thick legs though.. and thick toes.
  10. Jayteetee

    Few days old chick - Barred Rock or Cuckoo Marans?

    I love the cuddle pic with your child, the duckling & the chick. A unique bond in the making
  11. Jayteetee

    Few days old chick - Barred Rock or Cuckoo Marans?

    Omg! It’s so stinking cute. A miracle really that it survived without heat.
  12. Jayteetee

    Barred rock Plymouth Rock gender question

    Some updated piccies for those interested. 8 weeks. Blue seems to be growing at a quicker rate. Blues Wattles are contrastingly red compared to pinks.
  13. Jayteetee

    4 week.old sexing

    Mak Males And females do it to assert their dominance but in my experience, all the chest bumping chicks have turned out to be cockerels.. and I still have no clue as to whether my chick is a boy or girl!
  14. Jayteetee

    Gender Guess- 3 week light sussex has me stumped

    I know everyone thinks pullet but he seems so masculine to me.. thick legs.
  15. Jayteetee

    Number of daylight hours for egg production

    I live in australia & we just had our 24 week australorp start laying 4 days ago.. 2 eggs already! No supplemental light 🤷‍♀️
  16. Jayteetee

    Gave rooster away, he came back!

    I find this really sweet that he came back to you
  17. Jayteetee

    Barnevelder or Plymouth Rocks???

    Here are my two blue barneys- 9 weeks. They are so delightful and jump on my lap.
  18. Jayteetee

    Barnevelder or Plymouth Rocks???

    She’s a very good looking lady!
  19. Jayteetee

    Gender Guess- 3 week light sussex has me stumped

    It’s actually a purebred but the reputable breeder thinks it’s a genetic throwback. I thought a rooster got out its pen but breeder assures me this is not possible.
  20. Jayteetee

    Barnevelder or Plymouth Rocks???

    So far my barnevelders are so sweet & easy to train. My barred rocks cry when being handled when they’ve all had the same treatment from day 1!
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