Recent content by Mr Spot

  1. Mr Spot

    WHAT do you do with no electric??

    The one-gallon waterer swap out is what I do and it works too, just get the ones that are v shaped and the ice will slide right out.
  2. Mr Spot

    What did you do with your flock today?

    I got mine fed and watered and lots of fresh hay right before the norther hit so they are in good shape : )
  3. Mr Spot

    Baby Rat Growth

    I love the day 6 picture, at least one has his eyes open : )
  4. Mr Spot


    Still looking for Cochin and Game bantam hens here in central Texas.
  5. Mr Spot

    Fowl Pox?

    I got to deal with it a year ago but the spots on the face were just black spots and never were that big, it will run it's course and then they will be ok.
  6. Mr Spot

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    One, and I trashed it. Or maybe it was yesterday. Not real sure,
  7. Mr Spot

    Hello from Central Texas

    Welcome from Central here also : )
  8. Mr Spot

    New to Brahmas, first roo ever?

    Good looking bird, Male or female,
  9. Mr Spot

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    I'm down to just 6 bantams and get sometimes 2 or 3 a day, the eggs are so little I just throw them over the fence in the neighbor's pasture.
  10. Mr Spot

    Whatcha Making for Supper?

    Salsbury steak, green beans, and a blueberry donut. It was good too : )
  11. Mr Spot

    Rooster or no rooster…

    At least 4 or 5
  12. Mr Spot

    How to stop chickens from roosting in aframe

    If they roost on the right side in the picture, just build them a ladder to get up there.
  13. Mr Spot

    What did you make from your garden today?

    I made lots of grass clippings with the lawnmower yesterday. I'm done with trying to grow a garden : (
  14. Mr Spot

    Whatcha Making for Supper?

    Sounds like my kind of supper : )
  15. Mr Spot

    Whatcha Making for Supper?

    Sounds Awesome
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