Recent content by Mantisquailman

  1. M

    What age ?

    I would switch them now.
  2. M

    Wrath's Marans

    Hi. I want to no if your selling the chicks? If so then what would your price be? I can't find any sop black copper marran eggs for less then 90$ for hatching.
  3. M

    What Breed are these

    Picture three may be a black copper marran. Picture 1 is the most STUNNING chicken I have ever seen. Do you have any idea what they are?
  4. M

    Mystery Sex of Orpington

    Preach it
  5. M

    Jumbo Coturnix quail for sale

    No sorry I moved lol.
  6. M

    Survey on what people are raising.

    We have 36
  7. M

    Survey on what people are raising.

    Same here LOL
  8. M


    Ooooo boy... I don't like cinnamon😯
  9. M

    Taming Ducklings

    Sorry but this page was created in 2015.
  10. M

    Where would you place roosts and heat?

    How many chickens are you going to put in?
  11. M

    Are These Austrlorps?

    Maybe a black copper marran
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