Recent content by goats-n-oats

  1. goats-n-oats

    Backyard flock genetics

    Hi, I have a mix of Cayuga, khaki, golden 300, and Pekin. If left to breed on their own, will the future generations revert back to mallard coloring and size?
  2. goats-n-oats

    Questions about housing for turkeys

    Pardon, so which kind then?
  3. goats-n-oats

    Growth suddenly appeared on dog's dewclaw

    Hi, this suddenly appeared on my dog's dewclaw. It is very painful for him. Is there any way to treat this at home, without the expense of surgery?
  4. goats-n-oats

    Questions about housing for turkeys

    @R2elk is there any benefit to the cattle panel frame over the wooden a-frame? The aframe will cost a bit less.
  5. goats-n-oats

    Questions about housing for turkeys

    Ok thanks that was helpful. I'll start with a Salatin style box 6*6*3 until I have the funds to build something larger. At what age can the poults be moved outside? Temps here range from 45'F at night to 82'F during the day. Lots of rain.
  6. goats-n-oats

    Best turkey breed for commercial feather sales?

    Hi, which breeds (or colors of "turkey") have the nicest colored feathers for sales to craftspeople, fly fishers, etc?
  7. goats-n-oats

    Wry Neck & Immobility: When is it time to give up?

    I think the rule of thumb is the animal (chicken, goat, dog, etc)needs to be able to eat, drink and poop without assistance.
  8. goats-n-oats

    Landrace/adaptive breeding discussion

    The Swedish and Icelandic chickens are landraces that meet the criteria you mentioned..
  9. goats-n-oats

    Wry Neck & Immobility: When is it time to give up?

    Have you tried b vitamins? Those are supposed to help wry neck.
  10. goats-n-oats

    Questions about housing for turkeys

    Could you link to the preferred housing construction?
  11. goats-n-oats

    Questions about housing for turkeys

    So I'm starting with turkeys this year. I have 10 mini white poults, 4 royal palms, and around 20 BB bronze and white. They are all under 1 month old now. Planning on butchering the majority of the BBs for Thanksgiving, leaving the rest for breeding for next year. I thinking of making 1-3...
  12. goats-n-oats

    Wheezing and sneezing

    This site offers it without rx
  13. goats-n-oats

    Wheezing and sneezing

    Sounds like mycoplasma. The treatment is oral tetracycline (doxycycline).
  14. goats-n-oats

    Underweight and Emaciated Hens

    Hi, another thought, you could try Nutridrench (the poultry variety). It's a liquid nutritional supplement. There could be some vitamin missing from the TSC feed.
  15. goats-n-oats

    Underweight and Emaciated Hens

    I'm sure they would appreciate the sunflower seeds. Suet cakes are available at most garden centers and even drug stores.
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