Recent content by FunClucks

  1. FunClucks

    Unexpected grass death when processing chickens

    Had an unexpected grass death as a result of processing chickens. I was scalding them prior to plucking, and the water got up to 160-170F, and I was trying to cool it down, so I poured some out on the grass, and added cool water to make it 145F. When I did that I killed my grass. There is a...
  2. FunClucks

    Meat Birds

    It is legal on Craigslist Farm+Garden section to post livestock for sale. Chickens, especially meat birds, are livestock. We use it in my area all the time. And there's tons of FB chicken groups for selling/rehoming chickens. There's lots of info on here on how to process a chicken, if you...
  3. FunClucks

    Meat Birds

    Post on Craigslist. Post on FB marketplace. Post on your local PA thread on this site. Good luck!
  4. FunClucks

    Best indicator for Blue eggs

    To be certain, you can either do a test mating (mate the rooster to a hen that lays white eggs and see what colors all the females lay - you need a lot of time and a lot of baby females) or send the rooster's DNA off to check for if he has blue egg gene and whether it's homozygous (all offspring...
  5. FunClucks

    Best indicator for Blue eggs

    Brahmas have pea comb and they lay brown. EEs, Prairie Bluebells, Whiting True Blue, Americauna have pea comb and lay blue. Cream Crested Legbar have straight comb and lay green or blue. It all depends on what the breeds are in your parent flock. I have no Brahma in my flock, and no CCLs, so...
  6. FunClucks

    Freedom Rangers feed protein percentage

    No opinion on most of your ideas, but if you start to see "angel wing", I'd reduce your feed protein percentage. I've been raising FR New Hampshires and White Rangers, and kept them on 23-24% meatbird feed after the first week or so on 20% and started having wing deformities similar to angel...
  7. FunClucks

    Anyone seen Angel Wing in Meat Birds? Seeing it in New Hampshires and White Rangers, wondering causes/solutions?

    Processed two of the worst of the WR with angel wing today (~13 weeks?), along with a 6-8m old ginger broiler. Had to skin the GB since he was so old and the plan is to pressure cook him. Lots of stiff connective tissue, legs were hard to skin. Very pleased with the WR. I think of all the...
  8. FunClucks

    Anyone seen Angel Wing in Meat Birds? Seeing it in New Hampshires and White Rangers, wondering causes/solutions?

    Crazy, right? Glad I could help. I couldn't find anything on here about it in meat birds, and was really surprised to see it in mine. Doesn't seem to affect quality of life unless they're trying to fly someplace, so yeah, probably not a big deal unless they're raised outside of...
  9. FunClucks

    Meat Bird Comparison: Freedom Ranger Hatchery White Ranger, FR New Hampshire, Cornish Rock Cross, and Ginger Broilers

    Actually, yes. At 13(?) wks now, they are both still flying up on top of a 32" tall dog crate. Totally surprised me, I thought my eggers would be the only ones flying up there. I have a few perches about a foot or two off the ground, and they like the low perches a lot too. NH will have an...
  10. FunClucks

    My housing auth is trying to trap chickens

    Unfortunately, unless you were to trap them yourselves and relocate them to your personal property elsewhere, I can't think of much you can do. Also, they may be considered livestock or nuisance animals/wild animals, and not pets by your local laws. Slaughtering livestock for food is not...
  11. FunClucks

    Trying to dial in FCR for broilers

    Haven't actually farmed them myself, we get a lot around here naturally. They do nice things for my compost heaps, and like to live in my mulch piles that I use to refresh the coop bedding. So the chickens get a periodic treat when I refresh the bedding. Worm farming is awesome, I'd love to...
  12. FunClucks

    Trying to dial in FCR for broilers

    Love my CX from Welp. They did well all things considered. Very healthy chicks, would order again.
  13. FunClucks

    6 week old AC chicks drop dead

    Good job on the autopsy! It's not an easy thing for many people to do, especially if you cared about the chicken. If you found puncture wounds on the neck that look like a snake and not a chicken got to it, combined with the wetness of head and torso (feathers all matted up), I'm gonna hazard...
  14. FunClucks

    6 week old AC chicks drop dead

    Did the birds look wet like that on their heads and wings and torso when you found them? Kinda looks like a snake got ahold of them, and couldn't swallow them past a certain point, so spit them out. Might be worth a close inspection for injury and a posting (or cross posting of this thread) on...
  15. FunClucks

    Anyone seen Angel Wing in Meat Birds? Seeing it in New Hampshires and White Rangers, wondering causes/solutions?

    Not sure I'll be much help - I plan to cull everyone with Angel wing as soon as I can get around to it in the next month or so. But if it occurs again, or in their descendants, I'll add that info to my post. It seems to have gotten better since I switched to 20% for some of the birds, but not...
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