Recent content by farmert

  1. farmert

    bumblefoot treatment

    My red sex hen of 4yr old has BF in both feet. A friend helped me treat them on Monday and she wrapped each foot as well. I want to soak the hen's feet again and treat them but I cannot single handedly (literally) wrap a new bandage around her feet. Question -- until I can find someone to help...
  2. farmert

    Chicken Breed Focus - Iowa Blue

    We just lost our last Iowa Blue during the night. She was eight years old and what a gal. She was head hen until a rooster unexpectedly arrive and didn't give up her place in the hierarchy until he got too big to boss around. She was exceptionally broody and pretty active until the end. We loved...
  3. farmert

    bumblefoot in hen

    how to access threads re: bumblefoot treatment?
  4. farmert

    listless red sex link hen

    One of my RSL hens sits around most of the time. She is only 2 1/2 yrs old, but she looks tired in her eyes, listless. Her comb flops (that started two days ago) and she doesn't have the bright coloration that her sisters have. Not laying. I've looked her over and there are no visible signs of...
  5. farmert

    Comment by 'farmert' in item 'Black Sex Link chicken'

    I have had three red sex linked hens who are now older and not laying everyday. A farmer offered me three 9 wk old black sex linked hens. Would they be ready to go in the same coop as the others? Also, if they have not been handled/petted, are they too old to be domesticated (so to speak)? They...
  6. farmert


    I read several articles about soaking their feet in epsom salts. What it does is help soften the scab. The vet I saw confirmed this therapy so I will continue to use it. Once the old girl is in the tub, she relaxes. If nothing else, that's a good thing.
  7. farmert


    Vet gave me Meloxicam for four days. I thought that perhaps folks here might have additional therapies to try. It is a bit difficult to catch her even though she does limp. So no photos.
  8. farmert


    Old hen (9 1/2 yrs old) has bumblefoot. Took her to Vet who did not think surgery was necessary. Also didn't want to start her on an antibiotic, which in retrospect, I think was not the right call. Gave me pain meds once a day for her. She limbs and one foot is more swollen than the other. In...
  9. farmert

    Review by 'farmert' in article 'Interesting Facts About Chicken Eggs'

    Thank you for so many fun facts!
  10. farmert

    Neighbor is neglecting her hens

    Well, it is now dark and she is still not here. I will call AC tomorrow and talk with them. Thanks to everyone for advice. BTW: this woman is renown (in the neighborhood) for neglecting her animals to the point of death so that is one big reason I am reluctant to deal with her. Not only...
  11. farmert

    Neighbor is neglecting her hens

    The feeder is filled with water from the storms so there is a lot of water in both feeders. Dirty, though. The cart is too heavy for me to move, but I could ask my tenant if he would move it when he gets home -- if he is inclined to do so. Good point about being next to the road and...
  12. farmert

    Neighbor is neglecting her hens

    Neighbor (unfriendly and a bit off) now has four grown hens. Bought to show her grandchildren whenever they come to visit, which is not very often. A friend built a mobile chicken cart that is 4'x 8' with small roost up top. This cart is next to the road and I see it when I walk every day. To...
  13. farmert

    Another rooster attacks...

    Stop fighting, chasing and running from the chickens and these silly incidents will be far less frequent. With all due respect Centrarchid, this is not a "silly incident." If that were so, I wouldn't be taking time to post on this forum. If I said that I chase and run the chickens, then I...
  14. farmert

    Another rooster attacks...

    I've read the threads on the horror of rooster attacks. Had hoped not to post about this, but it happened to me today. My rooster is a 3-4 yr old Copper Maran. Gorgeous fellow and usually on the wussy side. Today, I was in the barn preparing for four new hens to arrive. All the hens and the...
  15. farmert

    Several questions re: raising chicks

    This is a sad update. The lone chick was doing fine. She continued to follow her mother as much as possible, getting stronger and bigger and able to keep up with her. Chick had also started going in to the big coop, perching on a top roost and seem to be doing fine. Until this morning. When I...
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