Recent content by Chickenlady1234567

  1. C

    Bumblefoot healing process [pics]

    Thanks for the reply! I’ve been putting antibiotic ointment on a gauze pad and using vet wrap for the last 2 weeks. I just recently stopped putting ointment on the gauze, but still bandaging and changing either daily or every other day.
  2. C

    Bumblefoot healing process [pics]

    I can’t find any photos of what healing Bumblefoot looks like. It’s been two weeks since I removed the black scab off both feet of these two ladies. The scab seems dark brown for the most part. One lady still has some redness I’ve read that some people say “healed in 5 days!” Is it normal to be...
  3. C

    Older Pet Chicken -Ascites

    what was your milk thistle dosage? And did you give it to all chickens or just those with ascites?
  4. C

    Hen isolating herself from flock - Diagnosis?

    Update on our Buckeye. We took her to the vet and they drained nearly 1 liter of fluid off her abdomen in September. She seemed to turn around and be okay for a while. Back in January she started showing similar symptoms again - this time we drained her ourselves. About a month later, we had to...
  5. C

    Hen isolating herself from flock - Diagnosis?

    Today I’m seeing her have labored breathing and her wings are drooping a bit. Gets picked on by other hens when not isolated.
  6. C

    Hen isolating herself from flock - Diagnosis?

    She laid 1 fairy egg in early July, maybe 1-2 that were wrinkled, and then this weird thing:
  7. C

    Hen isolating herself from flock - Diagnosis?

    Going to try to share as much information as possible: 18 month old Buckeye hen Stands by herself a lot in corners of our run; Not really hanging around any of the other girls in our flock Roosting about an hour earlier than the other hens at night Have observed her doing a lot of head...
  8. C

    Is my silver penciled Plymouth a roo?

    I have the same question! Is my silver penciled Plymouth a roo? 6 weeks and little to no feathers across the back
  9. C

    Chicken is lethargic, tail down

    I have a chicken whose tail is down and is very lethargic for 2 days now. She took much longer than usual (10 mins or more) to get down from roost and join the flock eating both days. She was also hesitant to go up to the roost at night. I have seen her eat and drink some. She is doing a lot of...
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