Recent content by 50-45-1

  1. 50-45-1

    Best vacuum to suck up feathers from hardware cloth?

    Well, that depends on what you are going to be doing with it. I would wonder about size. My shop vac is a smaller one because I wanted something easy for me to move around with in small spaces, like cleaning out the car. It came with lots of attachments for different types of jobs too, which I...
  2. 50-45-1

    Best vacuum to suck up feathers from hardware cloth?

    A shop vac. My model takes 2 type of bags. A normal use bag. And another for fine dust. The fine dust bags cost more, but this is the type you would need for feathers and chicken dust and dander. When you go shopping check out the details and bag options of the model you are looking at.
  3. 50-45-1

    Aggressive Roo, favors hen

    Any rooster who does damage like that to my hens, ends up in the soup pot. Roosters are a dime a dozen. Most folks who have nice roosters try everything possible to find homes for them. Most times with no luck. No reason to keep a stupid misbehaving bully. My hens love my big guy. He has...
  4. 50-45-1

    Is this normal rooster behavior

    That sounds like normal to me. I would offer separate feeding statuons as you are doing, but put some sort of sight block between them so everyone can enjoy meal time. By the way I think free choice feeding is best. Always avaliable. My feeder is never empty.
  5. 50-45-1

    New chicken mom here

    Welcome! Nice mix of birds! Post some photos of your flock as they grow and folks here will be happy to help you sex them Plus, we just like pictures. 😁
  6. 50-45-1

    Is shipping harder on large eggs,?

    I dont think so.. The shell hardness and packing skill would determine this I once recieved perfectly good eggs shipped well padded in a box with eggs in egg cartons. The folks who ship and sell eggs in your grocery store have designed these cartons to protect their product. Another dozen I...
  7. 50-45-1

    Is it ok

    Probably... But, the best way to know is by there behavior. Do they depend on it at night? Are they avoiding the heat, Are they fully feathered? What's the temp where you are,? Are they inside or out?
  8. 50-45-1

    Moving chicks from brooder to coop

    My chicks go out at two weeks, no matter what time of year. I just cant stand the noise, smell and dust after that. Most times they go out with a heat lamp with appropriate bulb, (I use household bulbs) so usually it might be a small 15 watt to wean them off the light until they are accustomed...
  9. 50-45-1

    Feed waste

    By the way, once your chickens are adults this "flipping food all over the place " continues. Raising the feeder up to neck level , inhibits the beak flipping food action some.
  10. 50-45-1

    Feed waste

    Chickens love to flip feed out and all over the place. I use a metal feeder like this one. They cant flip so much out with this type. Good luck! Cute chicks!
  11. 50-45-1

    Are these eggs fertile?

    Yes, your eggs should be still fertile. Up to 2 or 3 weeks after a mating. Bigger question would be are your chickens safe from the racoon? Once they successfully find food source, the keep returning.
  12. 50-45-1

    Hello BYC New members here!

    Oh Wow! What a great mix of critters you have. Welcome! Feel free to post pictures any time. We love it! I just picked up 8 turkens for my broody who did not have a great hatch. Here they are before I went out and tucked them under her.
  13. 50-45-1

    Are these chicks ready to go outside?

    I dont own a red light. I brood with a heat lamp, but use household bulbs. I start usually with a 75, then I reduce to 60, 45, then adjust when they go out Once they are fully feathered its gets discontinued. Even a dim light will be a comfort for them for while they transition to the new...
  14. 50-45-1

    Are these chicks ready to go outside?

    Mine all go out at 2 weeks. No matter what time of year. Dust, noise and smell are the reasons they must get out! With a heat lamp of course. I will use light bulbs down to a 15 watt sometimes before I discontinue the light altogether. This gives them a gradual transition to natural darkness...
  15. 50-45-1

    Cardboard Coop

    Article 'My Coop' My walking coop is made 98% all reclaimed, reused materials.
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