Recent content by 0die

  1. 0die

    Mixing Chicken Breeds in Coop. Will my Chickens survive??

    no, they will migrate to their own breeds if they have that option. I have witnessed it. So I always try to have only one of each breed so they form mixed groups. If you have a hand full of each breed then they will often just form their own packs. If you have several of one type and then a...
  2. 0die

    145 days and not one egg yet?????

    so I gotta butt into their business? got golf balls in the boxes.
  3. 0die

    145 days and not one egg yet?????

    well...guess all i can do is wait them out...
  4. 0die

    145 days and not one egg yet?????

    6-9 months? In ten years I've never had them go that long before starting
  5. 0die

    145 days and not one egg yet?????

    sussex, leghorn, orpington and a barred. my last orpington didn't take 6 months I don't think I've ever waited more than 4 months
  6. 0die

    Mixing Chicken Breeds in Coop. Will my Chickens survive??

    Very likely you will have problems with the odd birds out. Every time I have same multiple of the same breed, they will form their own sub-group. So I always buy only 1 of each breed. I was once "gifted" 3 hens. 2 were barred rock and I already had one. well my barred left her mixed clan...
  7. 0die

    145 days and not one egg yet?????

    I got 4 new chickens on 18 Jan. Probably a few days old. now in mid June and I have yet to see one single egg from any of them. And no, they are not Roos. I've looked everywhere in the yard and run. Not even finding egg shells. They are in with an older hen who is putting out so they...
  8. 0die

    Help! TSC gave me the wrong chicks!

    not always...Trust me. I've had very mixed success. Not always easy to give away a "free" chicken. If you don't want it, what make you think someone else wants it? However, giving away a hen (egg layer) is 10X easier that giving away a male. So you are "lucky" so to speak...
  9. 0die

    Help! TSC gave me the wrong chicks!

    I'm going to guess your stuck with what they gave you. I would imagine they probably have some no return policy for live animals. They might give you replacement "bantams" free but tell you to keep the "wrong" birds. But it's really on you to closely scrutinize what they give you. If you...
  10. 0die

    Bee attack, stung in eye, eyes are cloudy

    they really couldn't even open the eyes for a while without difficulty. I think the eyes were cloudier but have cleared up a little...but not much.
  11. 0die

    Bee attack, stung in eye, eyes are cloudy

    any chance their eyes will recover or are they permanetly sight imparied?
  12. 0die

    Bee attack, stung in eye, eyes are cloudy

    I had a massive bee attack on the coop. Most have fully recovered but 2 chickens still have eye trouble. Not sure if it will clear up or permanently vision impaired. It happened at 2 months old. Pictures are yesterday after about 6 weeks since the attack. The RIR has one eye that is opaque...
  13. 0die

    corpus christi, tx easter egger rooster

    ended up with a roo in the mix. can't have one in the city and don't need one. if you got a place for it or need something for the next BBQ it's yours...currently 11 weeks old
  14. 0die

    think I got another rooster :(

    yes....easter eeger...but I thought that was just a nickname for amerauacana
  15. 0die

    think I got another rooster :(

    pretty sure this is gonna be a roo...Ameraucana? About 11 weeks
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